====== 341 Beyers Naude Drive ====== [[https://www.google.com/maps?q=341+beyers+naude+drive&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIvN2H8tTsAhVUUBUIHTW3BGYQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw|341 Beyers Naude Drive]], Johannesburg, is an address in South Africa that many Ponzi schemes & dodgy businesses has used at their HQ. Some of these companies and known activity include: The 90 day Challenge where [[cheriward|Cheri Ward]] and [[clyntonmarks|Clynton Hugh Marks]] was invoved in. {{::641.png?400|}} [[andrewcaw|Andrew Caw]] from [[syntek|Syntek]] days with his Team ABlaze. {{:1599119349920.png?400|}} Andrew's mother, Lesley Caw, his account in [[mti|MTI]], attended the site during [[btcglobal|BTC Global]] days, prompting the idea that there was an office there for Andrew. {{::ponzi.jpg?400|}} {{::l.jpg?400|}} [[ngqabutho_don_nkomo|Ngqabutho Don Nkomo]] presumably taking delivery of a BMW X5 at 341 Beyers Naude Drive. Take note of the [[mti|Mirror Trading International]] logo in this picture {{::don_car.png?400|}} MTI's registered address at one point: {{::beyers_address.png?400|}} The office has been closed since 14.12.2020. The contact for the office is believed to be [[ngqabutho_don_nkomo | Don Nkomo]]. {{::img_20201221_172644_301.jpg?400|}}