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341 Beyers Naude Drive

341 Beyers Naude Drive, Johannesburg, is an address in South Africa that many Ponzi schemes & dodgy businesses has used at their HQ.

Some of these companies and known activity include:

The 90 day Challenge where Cheri Ward and Clynton Hugh Marks was invoved in.

Andrew Caw from Syntek days with his Team ABlaze.

Andrew's mother, Lesley Caw, his account in MTI, attended the site during BTC Global days, prompting the idea that there was an office there for Andrew.

Ngqabutho Don Nkomo presumably taking delivery of a BMW X5 at 341 Beyers Naude Drive. Take note of the Mirror Trading International logo in this picture

MTI's registered address at one point:

The office has been closed since 14.12.2020. The contact for the office is believed to be Don Nkomo.

341_beyers_naude_drive.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/10 01:28 by spxdxrbxtxs